Artículos académicos del CEGSS Guatemala


Defendiendo el derecho a la salud en Guatemala: reflexiones de dos indígenas
Year: 2020

Universal health coverage linked to the right to health
Year: 2013

Health findings from a consultation with marginalized populations in Guatemala
Año: 2014

Raising the profile of participatory research in health systems
Año: 2011

An overview of the medical tourism industry in Guatemala
Year: 2013

TICS: accountability in health. Experiences from India and Guatemala
Year: 2018

Responsabilidad por la equidad
en salud
Year: 2018

Uso de TICS para identificar déficits en atención de salud rural en Guatemala
Year: 2018

Social participation in a context of political violence: right to health
Year: 2017

The health system in Guatemala: where are we going?
Año: 2008

Displacement and transfer: building confidence in health services
Año: 2015

Commit to improving the health of indigenous peoples
Year: 2017

Discrimination against indigenous people in public health facilities
Año: 2016

Realizing the right to health for all: health for humanity
Year: 2013

Community participation in the formulation of post-2015 health objectives
Año: 2014

Health and the post-2015 agenda: raising the voices of marginalized communities
Año: 2014

Lecciones sobre acción ciudadana y rendición de cuentas en los servicios públicos de salud
Year: 2018

Caminos hacia la rendición de cuentas en la Guatemala rural: un análisis cualitativo
Year: 2018